How to manage Diabetes

How to manage Diabetes

In came Mr. A, someone whom I had last seen 2 years ago. We had first met 5 years ago when he was first diagnosed diabetic at 45 years of age. Scared as he was things went well with good lifestyle modification as well as medications and everything appeared in control. But now they had gone haywire again. In last 2 years gradually, he had stopped dieting and then given up on medications and monitoring for diabetes too. Something that had followed reading messages from social/internet media which showed that glucose levels of 250-300 no longer are harmful. Then I wondered what had got him here and a glance at his reports showed that the urine is now passing proteins and creatinine has increased slightly above normal. This virtually meant that the whole window of maintaining good glucose control and preventing complications is gone. Infact when a patient with an evolved heart or kidney disease comes to clinic with an aim to keep glycemic control tight we need to explain that now at this point in life all the problems cannot be reversed. The damage is done, and no degree of good glucose control can now undo it.

               The whole story summarized the happening of a good majority of diabetic patients. From diagnosis to complacency to complications and then deterioration. In the write up that follows I have looked to pen down the life lessons or basic commandments that a diabetic patient should follow to live well with diabetes.

  1. 1. Screen regularly and accept the diagnosis: One of the major issues in diabetes is the delay in diagnosis as its an asymptomatic disease. The expert recommendation states that anyone above 35 years of age should regularly get checked for diabetes on a yearly basis. And once a fasting sugar is above 126 and post meal is above 200 or an HbA1C (average glucose load of last 3 months) is above 6.5% diabetes is diagnosed. At that point whether there are symptoms or not it is important to meet a doctor to formulate lifestyle modification strategy and treatment plan. If started early diabetes can be reversed by good lifestyle modification.
  2. 2. Starting good work is easy maintaining is difficult: UKPDS was the largest study which looked at what happened to diabetic patients over time and it concluded that those who were well controlled in first 10 years had a significantly a smaller number of complications as compared to those who were not well controlled in first 10 years of life. So, it is most important to monitor glucose regularly. It will surely improve with time and normalize after initial measures, but the main task lies in maintaining it over a period. Like most startups only remain startups most diabetic patients remain only good starters. The ones who are successful are those who maintain good lifestyle and comply with medications as need be.
  3. 3. Face your fears, at least once a year: Most of the times diabetic patients will ask doctor to I have a heart problem or a kidney problem or a question like will I lose my sight. And I tell them to get the things tested. Almost all complications of diabetes go from reversible early stage to evolved late stage. Its important to catch them early and if possible reverse it. And so, its important to annually screen for kidney and liver function, lipid profile, electrocardiogram and retina(eye) test. Also, its important to get the foot examined by your doctor at each visit.
  4. 4. Learn to handle the pressure: More than the glucose level what causes downhill course in diabetic patient is the blood pressure. It is important to keep the blood pressure in strict control by salt restriction, regular exercise and medications. An uncontrolled or neglected blood pressure will invariably result in downhill course.
  5. 5. Learning by doing: One of my patients asked me about two meal a day diet and how he was following it and had lost few kilos. On asking to get glucose tested it was revealed that post the morning meal it has gone up to 350 and was coming to 64 by evening meal. Had the glucose level not been tested the gentleman would never have realized this. And so, it is important that whenever you do any change in lifestyle or medications its must to monitor glucose level. It is possible that some medications may not be effective in an individual which he or she will not realize till glucose levels are not monitored. Similarly, if someone is doing a good diet or exercise with intention to reduce medications it can’t be done without monitoring glucose levels regularly.
  6. 6. Choose the right path (even on internet): Our journey of life takes us through various choices and its our choices that make our life. Many times, we are guided by mentors/parents/media/internet in going with the choices. When you google diabetic patient can eat sugar you may even be guided to a page where someone may have put a story where he or she ate sugars to cure diabetes. Such pages may be advertised or promoted to get more hits. But when you google expert opinions or society guidelines on how much sugar diabetic patient can consume you will be taken to choices which are societies/authorities have taken stand on the issue and it is always good to verify with your doctor whether the stand suits you. Ultimately it is going to be your choice whom to follow how much sugar to eat as the consequences are also to be faced by you. The guiding principles are known as guidelines and most societies have patient friendly versions also for them.
  7. 7. Respect your destiny and modify your free will: “Doctor my parents are diabetic, will I also be one” is a question many have. It remains a fact that we can not choose our parents our genes or our place of birth. This is our destiny. But we can always be more constructive in our free will to modify our destiny. If your both parents are diabetic it is important that you maintain weight, exercise regularly eat in measured manner and more importantly get tested regularly for diabetes. If there is a family history of diabetes or kidney disease, then more regular or aggressive measures in that specific direction are indicated. Similarly, it is not uncommon for a grandma to say that my food is cooked separately as I am diabetic, why should others suffer. The wiser way of thinking would be that I am diabetic, and I don’t want my next generations to be diabetic. So, I must ensure that they also eat healthy food and exercise regularly. The diet and exercise instructions for a diabetic patient are infact applicable to all individuals who intend to live healthy and prevent complications for lifestyle diseases.

                        It is important to realize that the problem of diabetes has gripped the world. More so our genetic makeup or destiny has made it worse and its growing exponentially in our country. As we resolve to fight against common problems like poverty, inflation or simple day to day blues like traffic congestion it is also important to fight for our own health. And so, it is important to modify our free will to make the right choices. Choices that are guided by wisdom from our ancestors and experts in the field. This knowledge should percolate in our behavior to eat right and have a right amount of physical activity. And when you make a choice they must examined at regular interval or when you follow a lifestyle or start a medication its effect must be reassessed regularly in an objective manner. Success is a destination at the end of right path and so successful diabetes management can only be achieved by choosing the right way. 2 meals or 20 steps have never cured diabetes, but a right balance will always help everyone live well with or without diabetes.   

What is Palliative Care?

What is Palliative Care?

The World Health Organization defines palliative care as ‘an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.’

It is important to remember that palliative care is not exclusively applicable to patients with cancer, rather to all diseases which are life-threatening and progressive. It is the care of patients as well as their families by a multiprofessional team, including doctors, nurses, therapists, social workers, religious advisers, counsellors, volunteers. It includes rehabilitation and psychosocial support.

Palliative care :

  • Is concerned with healing rather than curing
  • Affirms life and regards dying as a normal process
  • Neither intentionally hastens nor intentionally postpones death
  • Is ‘low-tech and high-touch’
  • Is patient- centred rather than disease-centred
  • Offers a support system to let patients live as actively as possible till death
  • Offers a support to families to cope with the patients illness and later, bereavement
  • Is applicable early in the course of illness, in conjunction with other medical or surgical therapies as applicable to the patient
  • Focuses in the quality of life, i.e., ’adding life to their days, not days to their life’

Quality of Life in Illness

Quality of life relates to an individual’s subjective satisfaction with life, and is influenced by all aspects in a person’s life: physical, psychological, social and spiritual. In any prolonged and progressive illness, the quality of life is bound to be affected as the aspirations of an individual continue to fall short of present experience. At this point of time, palliative care aims to narrow the gap between aspirations and what is possible. Both the patient and the doctor must come together to create a roadmap of expectations and wishes and how to fulfil them. Many practitioners use QoL questionaires for the same. It is also important to encourage open discussion between patients and doctors in order to understand their fears and hopes.

What can I expect from the Palliative care team?

Palliative care may be helpful to you if you or a family member suffer from pain, discomfort or any other stress from a serious illness. You may be referred to a palliative care physician or you may choose to visit one yourself. You can take the help of a palliative care team at any stage of your illness and you can take it along with other potentially curative treatment too. People of all ages including children can have palliative care. Illnesses may include cancer, heart disease, lung disease, chronic kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and many others.

The palliative care team usually works in partnership with your doctor and provides an additional layer of support. You can get help with symptom relief, expert pain management and improvement of quality of life. The team can also help with carer support, support groups for illnesses, depression in patients and caregivers and physical therapy. It can help patients maintain independence and be able to pursue their daily activities for longer. Counsellors are at hand to discuss any issues you or the family might have.

As a disease progresses, the needs of the patient change. For patients who require end of life care, palliative care helps with many symptoms that crop up towards this time, including loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, pain, shortness of breath and many more. Many families and patients treasure time spent with each other during the last days of an illness and can continue to do so if helped with management of these problems at home itself. With palliative care you can avoid unnecessary emergency visits and hospital stays.

Palliative teams operate on an outpatient and inpatient basis along with a home care team. Inpatient services are available for respite care (short term care designed to provide relief to the caregiver), urgent symptom management and for end of life care. The home care team does regular home visits to ensure comfort of the patient, monitor or change medications if necessary, and for small procedures like changing urine catheters or feeding tubes.

Life on Dialysis

Life on Dialysis

The Hamstring Injury

It was one of the easiest and most enjoyable treks. I was taking physiotherapy for my Plantar Fascitis and it was getting better.

I took a chance.

On the way back, it was fun. The group had gone ahead. As usual I was with the last sub group. Taking the rear is always a role that I believed in.

There was a stretch that had a bit of scree. Having just improving my heel, I was being extra careful

And the unthinkable happened. I slipped with a jerk. At the same time someone who had called out to me from behind. I tried to turn and my knee sort of twisted

At first it just hurt. I was able to walk back to the base point with the pain. Then we got into the bus and stopped for tea on the way back.

Article source:- 

Dialysis in India

Dialysis in India


Hemodialysis is a form of dialysis where the blood in the body is continuously removed and passed through an artificial kidney which cleans it. The treatment is an intermittent treatment and is performed ranging from three hours thrice weekly to eight or nine hours six to seven times a week.

There has to be a convenient mechanism to remove the blood from the body and return it to the body after passing through the artificial kidney. For this, an “access” is created. An access can be of different types. An Arteriovenous Fistula is thought to be the best form of access. A small surgery is required for this to be done. The fistula is usually ready within a few weeks of the surgery.

Temporary accesses such as shunts or jugular catheters are used when dialysis needs to be started immediately.

Article Source:- 

Don’t take your organs to Heaven, God knows we need them here

Don’t take your organs to Heaven, God knows we need them here

Please take 2 minutes of your busy schedule and read the following:

“Kishan and Radha in their early eighties have had a very happy and a fulfilling life. They have 2 sons and their wives and are proud grandparents of 4 grandchildren. However, their lives wouldn’t have been the same but for the help of an ‘unknown angel family’. Their elder son Sohan had developed liver failure and could live only if he received liver from another person. To their good fortune, Sohan received a liver when ‘unknown angel family’ decided to donate their son’s liver after he met with a serious road accident. This gift of life not only allowed Sohan to live but also gave him a chance to get married, become a father and to experience every aspect of life which all of us desire to. This kind gesture of the ‘unknown angel family’ not only changed Sohan’s life but also changed lives of each and every individual’s life related to Sohan. What if this had not happened? Would Kishan and Radha be as happy and satisfied as they are now? Sad but true that not everyone is as lucky as Sohan and his family.”

Do you know that almost 3000 people in India and all around the world are on organ transplant waiting list at any given time.Tragically, some will die waiting for an organ which could be another lease of life for them.21 people die every day while waiting for a transplant but even 1 organ donor can save 8 lives and change the lives of more than 50 people.It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “Nothing is certain, but death and taxes.”Sorry Mr Franklin, we don’t really believe that. We think we’re immortal. We’ll try anything to stop the process of ageing: broccoli, blueberries, dare I say… Botox?We are fooling ourselves.We cannot cheat death!But what if you could make something good, out of your death? How? By becoming an organ donor.Organ donation is the gift of an organ to help someone who desperately needs a transplant. And then there’s tissue donation.Because of you, 2 other people could have their sight restored.Because of you, the girl too ashamed to step outside because of severe burns could have a skin graft.Because of you, the patient with bone cancer could avoid the pain and trauma of amputation. If 1000 people die waiting for an organ every year that’s 3/day!!!We can all see the situation is urgent yet we are reluctant to turn our good intentions into actions. Let’s imagine you’re not the potential DONOR but are actually one of the unfortunate people waiting for an organ to become available. Imagine you are the man who was unable to play with his daughter because he needed a heart transplant.Surely you would take an organ then?Well if you would take one, why wouldn’t you donate one especially when you no longer need it? We do not need to fear it or take it as a taboo as all religions in the world also encourage organ donation.

What can we do? We can pledge our organs through organ donor cards and also educate and create awareness for the same in our homes, schools, colleges and workplaces. We can all make a difference by giving of some part of ourselves to help others especially after our death.
Give – to live.

What are YOU waiting for?

Dr Keyur Dave

Patient-centric care: What’s important to the Patient?

Patient-centric care: What’s important to the Patient?

The Institute of Medicine defines Patient-centric care as “Providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.”

The healthcare world today is moving towards Patient-centric care. What exactly does this mean and why is this important?

If you asked any dialysis patient what is important to him or her when it comes to the outcomes of the dialysis treatment, what do you think they would say?

While healthcare researchers, clinicians and dialysis providers measure outcomes in terms of mortality, % in target Hemoglobin range, adherence to thrice weekly dialysis regimen, strikingly, all this is hardly important to the patient!

For the patient, things that are important coulee be on the lines of:

Amount of pain and discomfort
Ability to be gainfully employed
Ability to travel
Diet and fluid restrictions
How can I have less dialysis?
Will I be able to see my kids grow up?

Also, every single dialysis patient would have different priorities. While some may wish to see their daughter get married, others might want to live a comfortable life, even if short. While some may not mind undergoing more dialysis if it enables them to have fewer diet and fluid restrictions, others may want to undergo the least possible number dialysis of dialysis sessions and would not mind very stringent diet and fluid control.

What is important is for the doctor to ask the patient, “What goals do you have from this treatment?” The doctor must give the options and explain the pros and cons of each option and then help the patient choose a treatment modality that will do the most to help achieve the goals the patient has set.

There is no one-size-fits-all in the Kidney Disease World. While some patients love Peritoneal Dialysis, there are patients who hate it completely.

Recently an initiative called SONG (Standardised Outcomes in Nephrology) was launched to identify the outcomes that are important to the various stakeholders. Patients were also invited to be a part of that initiative. The initial results of this study have started becoming available:

“Although trials in hemodialysis have typically focused on outcomes such as death, adverse events, and biological markers, patients tend to prioritize outcomes that are more relevant to their daily living and well-being. Researchers need to consider interventions that are likely to improve these outcomes and measure and report patient-relevant outcomes in trials, and clinicians may become more patient-orientated by using these outcomes in their clinical encounters.”

Aspects like fatigue/energy, ability to work, ability to sleep, ability to travel, dialysis-free time were among the top ten outcomes that were important to the patients. Not a word about mortality, anemia, MBD!

At the end of the day, medicine is all about treating the patient. Two pieces of the same machinery would have exactly the same characteristics. A human being is much, much more complex than a machine! Shakespeare had said,

“What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world. The paragon of animals.”

Caregivers like providers and doctors must remember this simple fact when they’re treating their patients.

All About Diabetes By Dr. Ashish Purohit

All About Diabetes By Dr. Ashish Purohit

Diabetes (मधुमेह) एक बहुत ही आम और खतरनाक बिमारी है. भारत में हर पांच में से एक व्यक्ति को diabetes है.आज हम इसी बीमारी के बारें में detail में जानने की कोशिश करेंगे.

क्या होता है मधुमेह ?

मधुमेह एक ऐसी बीमारी हैं जिसमें रोगी के खून में ग्लूकोज़ की मात्रा (blood sugar level) आवश्यकता से अधिक हो जाती है.ऐसा दो वजहों से हो सकता है : या तो आपका शरीर पर्याप्त मात्रा में insulin नहीं produce कर रहा है या फिर आपके cells produce हो रही इंसुलिन पर प्रतिक्रिया नहीं कर रहे. इंसुलिन एक हारमोन है जो आपके शरीर में carbohydrate और fat के metabolism को कण्ट्रोल करता है.मेटाबोलिज्म से अर्थ है उस प्रक्रिया से जिसमे शरीर खाने को पचाता है ताकि शरीर को उर्जा मिल सके और उसका विकास हो सके.

हम जो खाना खाते हैं वो पेट में जाकर energy में बदलता है जिसे glucose कहते हैं. अब काम होता है इस energy/glucose को हमारे body में मौजूद लाखों cells के अन्दर पहुचाना, और ये काम तभी संभव है जब हमारे pancreas (अग्न्याशय) पर्याप्त मात्रा में insulin produce करें. बिना इंसुलिन के glucose cells में प्रवेश नहीं कर सकता. और तब हमारे cells ग्लूकोज़ को जला कर शरीर को उर्जा पहुंचाते हैं. जब यह प्रक्रिया सामान्य रूप से नहीं हो पाती तो व्यक्ति मधुमेह से ग्रस्त हो जाता है.

सामान्य स्वस्थ व्यक्ति में खाने के पहले blood में glucose का level 70 से 100 mg./dl रहता है। खाने के बाद यह level 120-140 mg/dl हो जाता है और फिर धीरे-धीरे कम होता चला जाता है। पर मधुमेह हो जाने पर यह level सामन्य नहीं हो पाता और extreme cases में 500 mg/dl से भी उपार चला जाता है.

मधुमेह के प्रकार:

1.) Type 1 diabetes: यह तब होता है जब आपकी body insulin बनाना बंद कर देती है. ऐसे में मरीज को बाहर से इंसुलिन देनी पड़ती है . इसे insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM भी कहते हैं
2.) Type 2 diabetes: यह तब होता है जब आपके cells produce हो रही इंसुलिन पर प्रतिक्रिया नहीं करते. इसे non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM भी कहते हैं
3.) Gestational diabetes:ये ऐसी महिलाओं को होता है जो गर्भवती हों और उन्हें पहले कभी diabetes ना हुआ हो.ऐसा pregnancy के दौरान खून में ग्लूकोज़ की मात्रा (blood sugar level) आवश्यकता से अधिक हो जाने के कारण होती है।

Diabetes से सम्बंधित कुछ facts:

Type 2 Diabetes से ग्रस्त लोग स्वस्थ्य लोगों की अपेक्षा 5 – 10 साल पहले मर जाते हैं.
Type 2 Diabetes सबसे common form of Diabetes है.
Diabetes किसी भी age group के लोगों को हो सकता है, बच्चों को भी.
भारत में,इलाज ना करा पाने के कारण हर साल करीब 27000 बच्चे मधुमेह की वजह से मर जाते हैं.
भारत में 5 में से 1 व्यक्ति diabetes से प्रभावित है.
अगर इसे control ना किया जाये तो ये heart-attack,blindness, stroke (आघात), या kidney failure में result कर सकता है.
स्वस्थ खा कर और physical activity को बढ़ा कर टाइप २ मधुमेह को 80 % तक रोका जा सकता है.
यह एक अनुवांशिक बिमारी है. यानि यदि परिवार में पहले किसी को ये बिमारी रही हो तो आपको भी हो सकती है.

Diabetes हो जाने पर क्या करें:

नियमित रूप से blood sugar की जांच कराते रहे.
परहेज करना बहुत ही आवशयक है, असावधानी बाद में घातक हो सकती है. बाद में blindness, amputation या dialysis का सामना करने से कहीं आसान होगा परहेज करना.
दवाओं के सेवन को हलके में ना लें , और डॉक्टर के बताये हुए समय पर दवा अवश्य लें.
स्वस्थ खाएं और active रहे. व्यायाम करके इसे काफी हद तक control किया जा सकता है.
संभव हो तो खाना खाने के लिए अपने जैसा ही साथी चुने, इससे अपने जीभ को control करना आसान होगा.
पर्याप्त मात्रा में नीद लें.
सुबह या शाम को टहलने की आदत डालें.

—डॉ आशीष पुरोहित

Thyroid And Its Effects

Thyroid And Its Effects


Writer: Dr. Ritesh Agrawal, MBBS, MS, MCh, FAIS, Thyroid and Endocrine Surgeon.

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in your neck. It releases Thyroxine hormone that control metabolism- the way your body uses energy. This hormone regulates vital body functions, including:

Heart rate
Central and peripheral nervous systems
Mood changes
Body weight
Muscle and bone strength
Menstrual cycles
Body temperature
Cholesterol levels


Hypothyroidism means that the thyroid gland is not making enough thyroxine hormone to keep the body running normally.

Common causes of this hypothyroidism are autoimmune disease, surgical removal of the thyroid, and radiation/ radioiodine treatment.

What are the symptoms of Hypothyroidism?

When thyroid hormone levels are too low, the body’s cells don’t get enough thyroid hormone and the body’s processes start slowing down. As the body slows, the patient may notice a feeling of cold, easy tiredness, dry skin, memory loss and forgetfulness, depression, dullness, constipation, period problems especially heavy bleeding and fertility problems. Because the symptoms are so variable and non-specific, the only way to know for sure whether you have hypothyroidism is with a simple blood test for T3, T4 and TSH.


Hyperthyroidism means excess amount of thyroid hormones circulating in the body. This is most commonly due to an overactive thyroid gland or swelling of the thyroid gland. Increased levels of thyroid hormones accelerate your body’s metabolism and can lead to different manifestations.
The symptoms of hyperthyroidism could be- sudden weight loss inspite of good appetite, rapid heartbeat or pounding of your heart (palpitations), feeling nervous and irritable, having trouble concentrating, feeling too warm even when other people don’t feel warm, diarrhea, having trouble sleeping, an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter).
Again, the only way to know for sure whether you have hyperthyroidism is with a simple blood test for T3, T4 and TSH.

Thyroid and Growth

Thyroid has an enormously important job to do, especially for teens. Thyroid hormones help to control the growth and the structure of bones, sexual development (puberty), and many other body functions. These hormones are important in determining if your body will mature as it should.
Thyroid hormones also directly affect how most of your organs function. So if your thyroid isn’t operating properly, you can have problems in lots of other parts of your body.

Thyroid and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time where the smallest deviation from the norm evokes great fear and confusion in a mother ‘s mind.
Thyroid diseases are common in pregnancy because of many changes in the mother’s body to accommodate the newcomer.
The most common problems faced are either a high TSH or a low TSH.
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is a signal from the master gland in the brain that tells us that there is a change in the quantity of thyroid hormones circulating in the body.
High TSH signifies lower thyroid hormone concentration than required and requires replenishment of the hormone to normalise the TSH, so high TSH means- give me more.
Low TSH is a little more tricky, it means there is a little more thyroid hormone circulating in the mother’s blood.
But this does not mean it is necessarily harmful. Gestational thyrotoxciosis or pregnancy associated thyroid hormone excess is the usual cause and does not require any treatment.

Thyroid and weight

Since the BMR in patients with hyperthyroidism is elevated, many patients with an overactive thyroid do, indeed, experience some weight loss despite a good appetite. On the contrary, in hypothyroid patients, BMR is decreased. Hence an underactive thyroid is generally associated with some weight gain.


The term “Goiter” simply refers to an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland. It is important to know that the presence of a goiter does not necessarily mean that the thyroid gland is malfunctioning. A goiter can occur in a gland that is producing too much hormone (hyperthyroidism), too little hormone (hypothyroidism), or the correct amount of hormone (euthyroidism). A goiter indicates there is a condition present which is causing the thyroid gland to grow abnormally in size. Some important causes of goiter are- iodine deficiency, thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease or inflammation of thyroid gland), thyroid tumors or cancers. Hence a proper evaluation of any goiter is necessary not to miss a cancer inside thyroid.

Former Nurse Donate Organs​

Former Nurse Airlifted In From Dubai to Donate Organs

At Max hospital in Saket, the Ex-Nurse was declared brain dead on Sunday, after which her liver was used to save 55-year-old woman fighting for liver failure. The family was celebrating his mother’s life and the fact that even in death she was able to save others, said Navin Gupta.

Shashi Bala Gupta was a nurse at Sufdurjang Hospital. Her life spent caring the sick persons. The former nurse wanted to save many lives after her death by donating her organs, including skin. This 76-year-old lady flown in from Dubai in a critical state just to fulfill her wish of donating her organs.

In Dubai, Shashi Gupta had suffered brain damage after cardiac arrest in last week. Her son Navin Gupta, who heads the business operations, said that “It is difficult to donate organs in Dubai because of various legal formalities. But we had to fulfill our mother’s last wish so we flew her to Delhi.

The former nurse was declared brain dead on Sunday at Max Hospital. After that, her liver was used to save a 55-years-old woman who was struggling with liver failure. Doctors said that her corneas were preserved and the skin is sent to Safdurjang for grafting onto the burned patients. She always used to donate organs including skin.

Navin Gupta said, the family was celebrating his mother’s life and she was able to save the life of others too. Many people are willing to donate organs. My mother’s actions would inspire others. Earlier, the family doctor and the neighbor suffered from kidney failure, the former nurse went against her family to donate the kidney. The family kept protesting but the woman remained firm on her decision. She donated one of her kidneys to save the doctor and told the family she wishes to donate organs after death.

She was under the treatment of Dr.Sujeet Jha at Max Hospital. Dr. Jha, director of endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity, said he received a call from the family on Friday. The doctors in Dubai had given up on chances of her recovery. Her son told me he wanted to airlift her to Delhi to donate organs. I have never heard anything like this before. It is an overwhelming experience to know a person and her family who is willing to make this effort to save other lives,” he added.

More than two lakh Indians require transplantation. But due to lack of donors, most people suffer or die without the lifesaving procedure. Experts say a brain dead patient can help save more a dozen people by donating organs and tissues, including heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines, pancreas, eyes, heart valves, skin, bone marrow, connective tissue, middle ear and blood vessels.

Hence, this can be an inspirational step.